Chris' Baptism
I think for my homecoming talk I will say a prayer in Tewa. A simple short one but there are literally about 50 people or a lot less in the entire world that can actually speak the Tewa language so that should be fun. I am trying to memorize it starting today. Yes we had the first baptism in Polacca in almost 2 years!!! It was a pretty awesome experience and there were about 40 people that came so that was amazing. One thing that I remember with an interview with President Batt is that he said the reason why this mission is so much more difficult to baptize and retain members is because the Native Americans are to be "grafted in" by the Gentiles (us Bahana or white men) basically. He whipped out Jacob chapter 5 and talked all about it how we are to be their guide and have to put them on our shoulders a lot because Satan has such a strong hold on them its ridiculous. He went off on how he had attempted to graft some trees when he was back in Idaho Falls and how hard it was but it can be done! I feel like Polacca is looking on the upside for awhile but we will see about a few weeks into December. December for the Hopi is a month called "Goouyama" or something like that, they have no written language so whatever. Anyways Let me tell you just a few of the things that Hopis aren't allowed to do during December...No singing, dancing, drums, loud noises of any kind, no blunt force trauma against the earth so that means no basketball or really any type of sports or activity, no ground breaking, no opening doors after it gets dark, no knocking on anything, no whistling, no loud laughter, and no being outside once the sun goes name a few. So for lessons we are going to have to call the people and then drive to their house then call again for them to let us in. Even a lot of the members participate in this because its still part of their culture. The reason why is December is when all the evil spirits come out. Thats why its so cold. Past family members or friends that are spirits now will try to get you to come to their side...(nice way of saying kill you) because they miss you and once it gets dark they become active mostly. People believing in this stuff only gives it more power so hopefully nothing to weird happens, but I'm used to dealing with ancient spirit ritual stuff already so bring it on!!
Anyways on the better side of things, we confirmed Chris yesterday and he said that he didn't want to get out of the chair and he had a great experience. I personally don't really want to leave his side because he has such a strong spirit with him. He's already achieved and understands more about the Holy Ghost then I could ever understand. Plus! We went to a lesson with him about an hour after church. We threw him right into the fire and we didn't tell him to say anything and he just jumped right in and was sharing his experience and feelings on things right and left. He also grew up with the Hopi tradition so he knows all about that and he related everything we were talking about to the tradition and it made sense to everyone. After we got in the truck he said "so thats what that feels like!...Next house lets go!" Then we took him tracting with us and since everyone knows each other here he took us to a couple if his buddies houses and he knocked on the door and everything and actually got us a handful of potential investigators! This guy is awesome. His biggest motivation is he wants to be a good example to his son who is about 9 months old. We also had a primary program for church and Chris said that he was just thinking about how he wants this for his son. You guys gotta meet him. He wants to write you a letter thanking you for the scriptures. Good guy. How many missionaries can say they took a brand new spanking member to a lesson and tracting though right after church, pretty cool.
We also knocked into a Korean guy named Kim. He is an assistant preacher or something and he doesn't speak good english at all. I asked him in very slow english "what brought you to america?" he looked at me all confused then I just said bluntly.." why are you here?????" apparently he was offered a job at the baptist church here after he went to religious school in there ya go! We are going to try and get a Korean Book of Mormon and go back. Nice guy, we'll see what happens and I akskd Tyler to give me some Korean phrases and greetings so maybe I can break the ice a bit by trying his language. Whoda thunked that you would find a Korean in a town of less then 500 people in the middle of a Hopi Indian reservation.
Well for Thanksgiving this week we will be at a couple houses so we are taken care of. Also we had snow! it was awesome! I was so happy! it must have been Idaho snow though because this morning its basically all melted away. Thats all she wrote folks! Have a happy turkey week! GO BRONCOS!!!
Love Elder Christensen