Elder Bunderson and I each had the
privilege to do the confirmations for the 2 new members that were
baptizedon saturday. Sheep Butchering was
sweet!!!! You're right mom, I don't think you would have liked being there
for at least the first part especially with all of the blood and throat
cutting and whatnot. I'm trying to make you all feel queezy hopefully
it worked. The meat didn't taste as good as I thought it would. It had
traces of poo everywhere and yes I did get a piece or two of sheep doo
doo in my mouth. But I just ate a ton of fry bread to mask the taste.
I have some good pictures of
that I just can't really get them uploaded right now. Yes, it is VERY
hot! This is supposed to be the hottest week in New Mexico history so it
will be fun! The Navajo language learning CD's and stuff are hard to
follow, its just a book and a guy repeating words over and over again. I
haven't been very persistent in doing them cause to be honest they are
pretty boring. If i want to learn it, I am going to have do everything
myself so its frustrating especially with such a difficult language that
you have to think and speak completely backwards in. Our new bishopric
is awesome! They seem like they are extremely excited with getting
missionary work going and getting our ward out here organized. The
bishop is actually a bilagaana. (white) He builds missiles for the
government so hes a pretty organized guy. I liked his comment yesterday
when he spoke, "I have a high security clearance with the military and
the government so I'm pretty good at keeping secrets." Plus, during Sunday school,
the 2 councilors taught and straight up told everyone that they weren't
doing enough and everyone needed to step up and be who they are supposed
to be! So that was interesting and a pretty good kick in the pants for
some of the less active people that were there and for the members that
just are there for the ride. People reject callings ALL THE TIME here on
the Rez because its "to much work" or "takes to much time"...so they
also had a big "knock it off" segment about that so that was good.
So my fun
Rez story of the week is about eh NAVAJO COPS!! get ready!.....So after
zone conference last Saturday we got back around 4pm to
Shiprock again and we didn't have any scheduled appointments so we
decided to go and see some people that we talked to awhile ago. There
is this one man named Oscar and every time we try to see him is more
drunk then the time before...its really sad but mostly makes me angry
that people do this to themselves when they know that it doesn't feel
good afterwards and they know that they hurt their family members, their
physical bodies, and definitely their spiritual bodies. Anyways so we
went to see Oscar again and the joke was "lets go see how drunk Oscar
is"...so we walk up to his door and knock, we wait around for a bit and
he comes out drunk as ever! He shook my hand and almost fell over. We
talked for a minute and then his friend came out..and oh boy was he
hammered. He shook my hand and I had to catch him from falling down it
was disgusting how drunk and out of mind and thought they were. Just
vegetables with lips those two were. I wanted to go but Elder Bunderson
kept talking for a minute and just wouldn't leave them....anyways they
kept on asking us if we wanted to fight and we just played around with
them, for a second Oscar looked like he was gonna grab Elder Bunderson
and oh man I got tense real fast. About a minute into
talking Elder Bunderson and I feel this tap on our shoulders.....I turn
around and WHAM! 3 Navajo cops! They say sorry for breaking up our talk
and they just go grab the 2 drunk guys and arrest them right in front
of us haha! it was pretty funny actually!! I guess Osca'rs wife called
them in because they had a big fight right before we got there...it
makes sense because Oscar had a bloody nose when he came out. So we had
2 baptisms and 2 arrests on Saturday! Good
day! Those Navajo cops are sneaky! The wind was blowing really hard so
it was loud anyways, but man they snuck up right behind me like Wiley Coyote! Other then that everything is good!! Having lots of fun with
Elder Bunderson, we get along great and we hopefully be getting a lot
more lessons soon. Ha'goo'nee'!
Love Elder Christensen
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