Monday, April 21, 2014

Robert vs. Angry Goats


This week we only had 3 days for Elder Johnson and I to work in our area.  We went to Tuba city 3 times in one week for District meeting and Stake Conference it was ridiculous, plus exchanges and I went to the Echo Cliffs!  The little branch there is called Bitter Springs.  I went there about 4 months ago but it was way better this time because I am really good friends with our district leader.  Its basically the northern tip of the Grand canyon and so pretty much the whole area you are in between 2 huge walls of rock and people either live on top of the rock or at the base.  It was weird to be surrounded by Navajos again, but once they said I was from Hopi they all wanted to know as much Hopi as I could teach them....a lot of the Hopi people also can speak Navajo.  I gathered eggs, fed sheep, horses, and I got chased around by some angry goats.  I  haven't been in area with more then 200 people in any direction you look at in 7 months now....I'm honestly kinda scared to drive in big city roads again.  

Stake conference was really good except none of our investigators showed up.  Chris came with us though and I was able to introduce him to President Batt so that was a good thing.  We will for sure be having at least 2 baptisms on May 3rd.  The other 3 are still in the at least 2.  Which will be a miracle and a half.  I am pretty sure I will be transferred this time, we find out on may 4th.  Other then that stuff,  Easter was good!  Why the heck is Easter changed to April 20th???  Thats like having New Years Eve on January 20th.....stupid.  It doesn't change the fact that Christ was born on April 6th people.....  Just realized that I have less then 9 months now....crazy.  Another week come and gone.  


Love Elder Christensen

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