Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Robert vs Staying Busy


Sorry I didn't let y'all know that we wouldn't be able to email yesterday since it was Memorial Day everything was closed down.  Well, the longer a missionary stays in Blanding the less work there is to be done since each set only covers about 400 houses and after about 6 weeks you basically know where everyone lives and their life story.  It's pretty hard to stay busy here and motivated but we did have a good week.  I have only met 5 people here that are NOT members of the church its crazy.  We did set a baptismal date for a man that has been living in Blanding for most of his life and has had home teachers for like 30 years yet has never wanted any of it.  Now he does.  Kinda of a hard situation right now because his wife and his daughter both have severe cancer and I don't think his wife will make it much longer.  I cover 1st and 8th wards here in Blanding and the chapel that has been here forever like since the 1800's is being renovated so they moved us all over to this other building now there is 3 wards there and it gets pretty cramped.  I went to youth Sunday School this week and it blew my mind how knowledgeable and prepared a lot of these kids are for missions and whatnot.  I must be in Utah or something.  

On the plus side of things compared to Polacca there is actually things to do here on P-days, and I wont get in trouble for traversing on sacred burial sites or something else extremely sacred.  There are lots of old Anasazi ruins around here and members have been taking us to go see them.  Yesterday there was a member that has about 80 acres of land and there are actually some ruins and things in the middle of his wheat field.  Since it is private property he let us just walk right up to it and all over it!  Another thing thats awesome here is just like Cortez, everyone has guns.  It's heaven.  We were kinda off roading yesterday and this huge cottontail rabbit just comes running across the truck and since our member has a gun in his truck I guess he felt obligated to shoot something.  Stopped the truck.  Hopped out.  BAM BAM BAM!!  Get in the truck. Continue previous conversation.  Thats how it goes I guess.  I'm pretty sure I've met the family related to the rednecks off "planes trains and automobiles"....."when she gave birth the baby came out sideways.....didn't even scream."  Hilarious.  Anyways I guess I don't have much to report this week.  I'm plugging along just fine here in Blanding.  Thanks for everything. 

Love Elder Christensen

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