Thursday, July 24, 2014

Robert vs. Primary


Alright well sorry for the late email, there was a county wide power outage yesterday for a long time so we didn't get to email.  Well this week wasn't very good as far as staying busy and whatnot but I know we did a lot of good.  As long as someone gets helped during the week then I consider it a successful week.  I got chased by a couple dogs this week and it brought back some fond memories of being chased by insanely huge pitbulls all over the reservation.  This mission is the best.  I only got bit once but it was fun while it lasted.  

The cool missionary story for the week I guess is on Friday we were heading back to our house for the night, then we decided to knock on a door that we didn't know who lived there, but we knew that it was a new family that moved in.  A guy came out and started talkin with us and its so funny how our conversations start here at the door.  After the hi how are ya's and whatnot we have to ask if they are a member or not and then try not to get to excited if they aren't.  Turns out he moved from my 1st area in Cortez and he was a member of the assembly of God church.  I immediately got pumped for some bible bashin or something derogatory..I honestly was hopin for it because I seriously miss being in the face of persecution all the time in Farmington or Hopiland.  Anywway, ya this guy is super nice and friendly and accepted a Book of Mormon and said he would love to meet with us and that he believes he's in Blanding for a reason that he doesn't know why yet.  Good stuff!  The nicest Protestant man I have ever met.  It will be a good experience to meet with him.  So ya that was it, I know it wasn't that cool but thats about as exciting as it gets round here most of the time.  

This little town is sure starting to grow on me.  There was a guy in my ward that came home form the Scotland/Ireland mission and he gave his homecoming talk in a kilt and long leggings.  It was the bomb, I wish I could do something like that.  I need an Eagle feather headdress or something....I have some moccasins maybe I will wear those.  Our recent convert is doing alright he gets a little overwhelmed at all the stuff there is to do to progress but we just say one step at a time..."just tap it in....just tap it in.."  Name that movie...only Llyr would probably get that one.  On Sunday we got asked at the end of sacrament to teach youth sunday school...and then we went to prepare for that and then we got asked to come teach sharing time for like 15 mins.  It was crazy and that type of on the spot junk happens to me all the time, I'm used to it though.  One thing for sure I know...I am not a primary teacher.  That was the longest 15 minutes of my life.  I am doing well here and enjoying the dry Blanding air and the nightly lightning storms with 0 rain.  Thanks for everything

Love Elder Chirstensen


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