Monday, February 10, 2014

Robert vs. Drunkeness


Aw man this is an email of joy for sure.  This week was a bust!  I'm not complaining but I've basically been running the entire area by myself for 6 weeks.  My current companion is an awesome guy but the curse if "idleness" is still surely upon the Lamanites.  I will be rejoining with the people of Hagoth.... thats right.... I am getting a Tongan companion!  Not just any favorite Tongan....who I already served with in Farmington 1st ward on the bikes.  My main man Elder Johnson!!  Not quite sure how we are able to be companions again but I am definitely not complaining.  Lets just say I pulled a few strings....and President Batt knows that I need some help out here.  But ya, I am staying with the Hopi for another 6 weeks!  6 months with the Hopi!  I am pumped!  I know the Hopi will love Elder Johnson, they are tired of all these white Gentiles.  This is definitely answer to a million prayers and hours of I need a companion that will actually work with me not against it is!!!  

Alright though, we had one crazy experience this week.  It shows how strong alcohol has an influence on people out here but it also shows that drunk people do the funniest random junk.  We decided to visit one of our investigators that we've been meeting with since october.  They have done a wonderful job at staying sober....until this week.  During this time of the year there is a ceremony called the bean dance and the men go into the Kivas and plant bean sprouts and the sign is if you have a tall bean sprout then that means your crop will be good this year.  But there is a lot more to then that and plus they have to go and smoke a ton of tobacco in peace pipe things and whatnot.  Anyways, our investigator doesn't want to do that stuff anymore and he wants to be baptized but he won't without his wife, which is understandable.  But he is getting tons of pressure from his clan and family to go and plant his beans.  People will persecute you nonstop its ridiculous out here.  He was just feeling overwhelmed and wanted it to go away so he turned to the bottle.  Poor guy.  It only made it worse.  We had a good talk with him though and he let his feelings out and was pretty sincere despite being a bit hungover.  As we were sayin the prayer his wife pulls up in her car with his mom.  She honks like 10 times and then we come out to see what the heck is goin on.  They wanted us to help her mom out of the car......oh boy....lets just say it was a "big" problem if you catch my drift...I open the door and WHAM! I got nailed by a huge whiff of booze and it almost knocked me over....this 80 year old shi'ma (as you would say in Navajo)  was wasted out of her mind.  So was the we had 3 drunk people on her hands.  We had to help this lady or else she was gonna fall out of the car and probably die.  Elder yazzie and I are tryin to lift her out of the car and she is just screamin PLEAASSEEE JESUS!!!! just over and over again...needless to say I was about to die from laughter on the situation.  We were able to get her out of the car and onto her walker...but it was uphill on sandy dirt so she was goin nowhere fast.  We basically had to push her up the hill and we almost got to the door and then she said she wanted to lean on the wall of the house.  We just kept pushing and saying NO you gotta keep goin, don't stop!!!  All the while the other 2 drunk people are cussin and laughin and was fun, and the shi'ma was still yellin for Jesus the whole time.  We got her to the step to her door and she obviously couldn't get the walker on the step so I set it up there for her and try to get her to step up or something, anything.  Then she just said...I'm a lay down now.  I was all Noooooo!!!! But it was too late, she did the go limp toddler move when you try to pick them up on us and we couldnt hold her. So there we were.....lookin at each other like...what the heck do we do.  There was a half passed out grandma lyin in the dirt and 2 other drunk people yellin around....I was just prayin that nobody saw us.  But we didn't know how to get this lady in the door!  Then one of the other people just said...roll her over and we will carry her in.  Whatever floats your boat!!  So we rolled her over and then they each grabbed an arm and we grabbed a leg and we half dragged half carried her in the living room....all while save me Jesus was still being yelled.  We laid her on the floor and then we needed to go so we left, but we saw that the other 2 people just left as well....but here is the funny/sad part....they have a daughter that was coming home from school in  about 10 mins and since nobody was there to explain to her what happened she probably walked into the house with a drunk grandma on the floor yelling her at her that the missionaries did this to her or man it was so funny and awkward and sad I had to take a break for a minute.  What a day that was.  Thats about it!

Chris blessed the sacrament again and told me that he stayed up til 1 am reading scriptures...the scripture bug bit him...good.  Yes the Choyou family came and we set up another time for Wednesday this week so its lookin good.  I swear this area is the most stressful and rewarding areas of all missions.  You get the best of both worlds here.  The disappointment of absolutely no progress happening for a couple weeks then bam!  Someone wants to be baptized or almost 100 people come to church.  Good stuff.  I am just excited for tomorrow when I get to pick up my favorite Tongan.

 Love Elder Christesnen

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